Why You Should Consider Underpinning Your Foundation

If you’re in search of a solution to stabilize your foundation or add an extra story to your home, underpinning may be the answer. But what exactly is underpinning? And when is it necessary? In this article, we’ll discuss underpinning, methods for underpinning, and other factors that influence whether or not your building needs underpinning foundation.

Underpinning is the process of transferring the weight of the building to a deeper soil stratum. The goal is to make sure the structure can withstand its current load and future loads that it may encounter, including erosion. This can be done by extending the foundation, making it wider, or by underpinning it with new materials.

Strengthening Foundations: Exploring Underpinning Foundation

The main reason to underpin a building is when the original foundation can no longer support the structure. This can be caused by a number of things, including:

Soil movement – When the soil moves beneath your house, it can make your structure unstable. This could be due to soil creep, soil expansion/contraction, or damage from a flood or drought. Poor construction – Building contractors often don’t take into account the specific properties of the soil when constructing a foundation. Natural disasters – Earthquakes, floods, droughts and sinkholes can cause structural problems.

Underpinning is a permanent repair to stabilize your building and transfer its load to stronger soils or bedrock. The most popular method is to underpin with push piers, which are driven into the ground and can lift the foundation back to its original position. Another option is to underpin with helical piles, which are screwed into the ground. They’re perfect for buildings with specific qualities because they can be installed at a much faster rate than traditional wooden pilings.

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