The Dangers of Buying Nang Canisters in Melbourne

nang canisters melbourne

Nangs are small nang canisters melbourne filled with nitrous oxide gas that can be used to whip cream, making them a common sight in cafes and restaurants around Australia. They are also a favourite of young people who use them to experience euphoria, excitement, a sense of floating or even hallucinations. But they’re not for the faint of heart, and prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide can have serious long-term consequences, including memory loss, brain and nerve damage from vitamin B12 depletion and numbness in hands and feet.

The Science Behind Nangs: Understanding the Chemistry of Nitrous Oxide in Melbourne

Although they may seem harmless, the use of nangs has led to an increase in calls to emergency departments from young people who are suffering the side effects, according to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation. The canisters themselves are also becoming more attractive to young people, with some now looking like pocket torches or even sporting slick, branded packaging. And while the nangs themselves aren’t illegal, the use of them is.

Those who want to buy nangs can find them easily online, with some vendors offering 24/7 weekend delivery and a wide range of different flavours. However, not all nangs are created equal. Some are made of softer materials than others, which can make them less durable and cause them to leak. If you’re buying a nang for any purpose, it’s best to choose one of the highest quality available to ensure it is safe and reliable.

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