A generation is a group of people born or living at the same time. A generation has a lifespan of about 20-30 years, during which time children grow up, become adults, and begin to have children of their own. This period can be divided into smaller sub-genera: Gen Y, Gen Z, Millennials, and Xennials.
Gen Y
The Gen Y generation is the largest cohort since the Baby Boomers. They are highly tech savvy and globally connected, and they are less brand loyal than previous generations. They also embrace diversity, and are passionate about giving back to their community. Because of their exposure to technology from an early age, they are less receptive to traditional marketing and advertising tactics.
Gen Z
The generations that make up Gen Z are characterized by a heightened sense of personal autonomy and self-reliance. They are also highly collaborative and social. They are attracted to innovation and non-hierarchical leadership. They also value flexible and diverse communities, and appreciate social and cultural diversity. Some Gen Zers are dismayed by inherited issues such as climate change, but they are pragmatic about how to address them.
The recession has hit millennials harder than previous generations, and the long-term effects will be felt for decades. In the meantime, many millennials are facing lower earnings and fewer opportunities. These challenges may result in delayed milestones, such as homeownership or job security.
According to an Australian professor, there is a new micro-generation, the Generation Xennials. These individuals were born in the late ’70s and early ’80s, and they are often self-centered and tech-savvy. They may also be better leaders.
The iGen is the generation born between 1995 and 2012. It was the first generation to grow up using a smartphone, and as a result they spend their time in a very different way than previous generations. They are more practical, have less high expectations, and have less patience for inequality than previous generations. As a result, they arrive at college with a lower level of experience in adult situations than previous generations.
Post-war generation
The Post-War generation is a large group of people whose parents were impacted by war and its aftermath. They may not have been directly exposed to organised violence, but they are characterized by psychological complaints that stem from the trauma experienced by their parents.